Sunday, March 18, 2007


The original goal of this excersise was to re-acquaint the DoJ with a simple idea that their department is supposed to be APOLITICAL not a personal tool for Mr. Bush. Apolitical in the same sense “justice” in general is supposed to be.

For using the federal prosecutors and DoJ to obtain a political advantage, to get even with political adversaries or to further one’s political agenda has become a completely accepted way of doing business in this country especially under present administration.

I think that goal was accomplished -- it will be a while before they will again start using the DoJ as a political tool and as openly as it has been their custom. Getting rid of that torture shyster would be a nice bonus, personally I’m happy just to see that trademark smirk of his gone.

Still the country needs a more permanent solution to the problem of insulating the DoJ from political pressures. The culprit is the present arrangement under which the DoJ people serve at the pleasure of the president. That’s an old, long outdated feudal British arrangement that by definition invites political abuse (actually by design!) and which has no place in modern democracies. Make the federal prosecutorial system fully independent the way for example they operate in Italy.

This will only make this a more perfect, stronger union. As would adoption of modern arrangements that permit legislatures to remove incompetent governments and modern concepts of legal standing in constitutional controversies.

The country needs to think about convening another constitutional assembly one of these years. It's about time!

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